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Norsk Ungdomssymfoniorkester

NUSO - Norsk Ungdomssymfoniorkester er et nasjonalt symfoniorkester for ungdom mellom 13 og 20 år. To ganger i året møtes rundt 80 ungdom fra hele landet til samspill på høyeste nivå. De velges ut igjennom prøvespill. Sammen spiller de musikk fra hele orkesterlitteraturen; Alt fra norske urfremføringer og solistverk til episke symfonier. NUSO gir ungdom bred orkestererfaring og et godt sosialt nettverk i hele landet. NUSO skaper morgendagens musikere!

Orkesteret eies og driftes av De Unges Orkesterforbund (UNOF).


Foto: Sveinung Bjorå
Foto: Sveinung Bjorå
Foto: Sveinung Bjorå
Foto: Helmine Syvertsen / UNOF
Foto: David Engmo / NUSO
Foto: David Engmo / NUSO

The Norwegian Youth Orchestra (NUSO) is a national orchestra for young people aged 13 to 20. The orchestra meets twice a year for intense rehearsals, where young talents from all over Norway come together to perform at a high level. With approximately 80 selected members each time, this provides a unique opportunity for youth to develop both their musical skills and build a strong social network across the country.

Members of NUSO are selected through auditions and perform a wide range of music, from Norwegian premieres and solo works to epic symphonies. The experience gained in the orchestra provides them with a solid foundation for further music education and careers.

NUSO is owned and operated by The Norwegian Youth Orchestra Organization (UNOF), which aims to develop and promote young musicians in Norway. The orchestra plays an important role in this work, helping to shape the musicians of tomorrow.